Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment 

Sexual harassment (SH) is a form of gender discrimination and it consists of behavior/conduct that negatively impacts someone's educational/employment. Sexual harassment is a violation of the law and University policy.

For additional information on SH regarding your options and support resources, please see UC Davis Sexual Violence website and/or a printable brochure with a summary of the information.

Fall leaves floating in dark water


Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is:

  •  Quid Pro Quo (Policy Definition) 
  • a person’s submission to unwelcome sexual conduct is implicitly or explicitly made the basis for employment decisions, academic evaluation, grades or advancement, or other decisions affecting participation in a University program or activity;
  • iHostile Environment (Policy Definition)
  • Unwelcome sexual or other sex-based conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it unreasonably denies, adversely limits, or interferes with a person’s participation in or benefit from the education, employment or other programs or activities of the University, and creates an environment that a reasonable person would find to be intimidating or offensive.

Other important Definitions:

  • Sexual Conduct (Policy Definition)
  • Sexual conduct includes sexual or romantic advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Other Sex-Based Conduct (Policy Definition)
  • Other sex-based conduct includes acts of verbal, nonverbal, or physical aggression, intimidation, or hostility based on gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex- or gender-stereotyping, or sexual orientation.
To determine whether conduct is DOE-Covered Conduct the Title IX Officer will do the assessment and apply the definitions in Appendix IV. The definitions here are broader than and encompass all conduct included in the DOE-Covered Conduct.

What Does Sexual Harassment Look Like?

  • Quid Pro Quo
  • — An employee or student’s benefits, grades, promotions, or reviews are tied to sexual activity
    — Power difference (Example: A supervisor offers to promote an employee in exchange for sexual favors)
  • Hostile Environment
  • This behavior may occur between peers or between people with unequal power. Some examples of this type of behavior include:
    — Sexual jokes and innuendo, including email, texting and social media
    — Using someone's incorrect pronouns and/or dead name
    — Unwanted, repeated requests for dates
    — Making fun of a male dressing feminine
    — Suggestive looks, gestures and sounds
    — Restricting someone's access to a bathroom that matches their gender identity 
    — Sexual touching
    — Posters, screensavers, or other visuals
We encourage you to review the website on what to do if you are accused of SV. This website outlines campus services available to help you understand your rights and the investigation and adjudication processes